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According to UK CHECKEDIN, the United Kingdom concluded 2021 with a record number of job openings in various areas of the British economy, yet there were insufficient employees to fill them all.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) of the British government, there are a record 1.17 million UK job openings, while the Recruitment and Employment Confederation reported a staggering 3.5 million UK job openings.

“Whichever figure is correct, the main point is that employers in the United Kingdom are seeking qualified workers for approximately one million jobs in the UK, if not more,” Daisy Simmons, job market researcher at UK CHECKEDIN explained.

Furthermore, according to a research released by KPMG and the Recruitment and Employment Confederation in October 2021, starting salaries in the UK climbed at the fastest rate in 24 years as firms battle for new workers.

Thousands of job advertisements are distributed throughout a variety of key business sectors in the United Kingdom.

According to the ONS, there are approximately 183,000 job openings in the healthcare industry, 151,000 in hospitality, 111,000 in scientific research, 91,000 in retail, 90,000 in manufacturing, 88,000 in administration, 66,000 in communication, 61,000 in education, 53,000 in transportation and warehousing, 48,000 in construction, and 44,000 in finance.

Because there are insufficient qualified individuals to cover all of the high-demand occupations in the United Kingdom, the British government has created a variety of UK work visas for specific types of skilled immigrants.

The Skilled Worker Visa and the Global Talent Visa are two examples of long-term UK work visas, both of which are valid for up to five years and provide a road to permanent residence in the UK.

If they are accepted for the relevant British visa for family members, the skilled immigrant’s spouse or partner and children under the age of 18 may also live in the United Kingdom.

Each UK work visa has its own qualifying requirements and application process.

For example, the Skilled Worker Visa requires a skilled immigrant with an eligible occupation and adequate English language skills to receive a qualifying UK job offer from a licensed sponsor in the United Kingdom, and then apply for the Skilled Worker Visa after receiving a Certificate of Sponsorship from the sponsoring employer.

In the United Kingdom, foreign employees and their families can enjoy a good quality of living, access to public healthcare, and participate in British educational programs.

Please keep in mind that this is general information and not immigration, legal, or professional advice.

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Source: thestreet.com

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